Join the Selling CommunityWhatever you’d like to sell - Get it ready to sell Saturday, July 20th, 2024.Learn more below. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Select Your Neighborhood * Avondale Beverly Heights Carleton Manor Cedarhurst Clearview Foxland Highland Terrace Hoodridge Hoodridge Highlands Lebanon Hills McNeilly Mission Hills Old Virigina Manor Parker Gardens Seminole Hills Sunset Hills Twin Hills Virginia Manor Washington Park Willow Terrace Woodridge Unknown Items to be sold If you know what items you plan to sell, please list them here: Please select your community representative: * Noel Bliman Susie Cancelliere Rachel Mazzie Valerie Rose Faith Williard Unknown Acknowledgement * I understand that Coldwell Banker is providing this service for free- and Coldwell Banker makes no profit or financial benefit from hosting this event. I also understand that Coldwell Banker will provide the general marketing for the event, but cannot make any guarantee as to how busy your sale will be. Mt Lebanon Twp restricts any signage/directionals on Mt Lebanon owned property. Each participant may do what they say fit in order to drive traffic, with the understanding of Mt Lebanon municipal guidelines. Acknowledged Thank you! Please look for an email from your community representative to upload your pictures & information for the website.